Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Doing a little backtracking again...

Day 33 3-?– June 30th to July 6
Wow I haven’t updated this in forever. Sooo much to be said.
Tons of free time was had, a good and bad thing. Managed to find 394 pokemon and have owned 302. Wooo! I know that’s terrible but hey I wanna catch ‘em all. Help would be greatly appreciated in this effort. (I’m looking for a Deoxys, Celebi, Manaphy, and Arceus. Maybe even looking into buying a ds so I can transfer all of my pokemans). Sorry done being a complete dork not taking advantage of ALL of my time here.
Got a chance to hang out with the new friend Will. I was allowed to invite a few people to the barbeque so I took Sarah and Will along. I really wish I could have taken Zack and J.C. I probably could have now that I look back on that. D:
Sarah and I left Xiaoshan and arrived at our meeting point by the map at West Lake around 11 and then made our way over with Will to Ling Yin. Since we had so much free time Sarah decided to go check out Ling Yin Temple (which is 45 kuai to go walk around just inc ase anyone’s curious) while Will and I went to the National Tea Museum. It’s funny as soon as we got to the museum a museum guide type person asked if we wanted to try some tea. I already knew where this was going but I didn’t expect to be sat with the same lady who did the tea tasting with Drew, Yasmina, and I when I went early in June. How convenient and hilarious. She at one point said I should know all the things she was talking about in Chinese to Will. I remembered some but certainly not all.
We walked back through the rest of the museum that we had missed. Will stopped by some of the mannequins and apparently really liked them. 
I think their realistic traits are too creepy for me (go google uncanny valley). I always think they’re going to come to life and grab me or something. I managed to get over this little fear long enough to take pictures with the things. (It was here that I learned my camera has a setting for taking photos in museums where it may not be allowed – LOL)

Oh and we had the barbeque July 3rd because we’re just that cool. We had burgers, potato salad, apple pie, peach cobbler, cookies, and Chinese beer. At some point some people started playing beer pong. After things started to wind down we decided to set off some fireworks.
Ish was so cash yo.
 I really regret not taking any photos of our silliness on the 3rd/4th. I got to meet the rest of the ACI crew and geot a better idea of what was to be expected at Zhejiang University (Fuquan campus!). Although when I left the party I met up with Sarah (she had left to help Will find his way to his bus in downtown) I found a man with no arms writing some calligraphy. It was amazing but I had to grab Sarah to show her. 

I tipped him and he gave me one of his scrolls. This guy is so cool and I hope I can find him again and request some family/friends names if at all possible. Maybe just get Wilkes and try to frame it when I get a chance. Or even laminate. Hmm...
Went back to Hefang street where Sarah and I found an interesting little gag shop like Spencer's, or my Fairbornians, Foy's. They had all sorts of novelty items like shot glasses that made you think it would actually spill on you and tons of Halloween related goods. The outside was decorated accordingly. 

Really a fantastic end to a fun fourth of July. Happy birthday America. Or more specifically and correctly, USA. You've done a lot of stuff and you're hopefully maturing from the mistakes in the past.


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