Thursday, July 7, 2011

Catching Up in Xiaoshan- June 24th-25th

Day 27 – June 24th
Annika finally made it over to Xiaoshan! Though once she and the new intern Claire got here I didn’t really know what to do. I showed them the apartment then took them down to the dumpling place Sarah and I had wandered into the first night she came. Then we browsed the Blue Mouuntain Café because apparently Blue Mountain coffee is Jamaican and she didn’t expect it to be legit. Turns out it was. Or at least a certified legit establishment. It was really nice in there. Great A.C. lol
I finally showed them my workplace and it was just before dinner break so everyone was in. I didn’t really know what to say or if I should have introduced everyone. At one point I think my pseudo boss/owner asked if Annika and Claire were my friends. I hesitated and said sort of then mentioned that they were my program director and then we kind of awkwardly chuckled then moved on with the conversation. We left pretty much after the awkward pauses, seeing as I didn’t bother to introduce the others nor did they introduce themselves. Go me for being a dork. HIGH FIVE! o/ \o
Day 28 – June 25th
Spoiler (TMI) What the hell is wrong with my body. I’ve woken up with a headache almost like a hangover. What on earth. My body is angry and growling at me.
Was supposed to work 9-9. Ended up giving Sarah 2 of my hours and went home and passed out. Managed to wake up later and shower. Passed out again. Woke up and did laundry. Passed out for the rest of the night and then into the morning. Woke up maybe at 8 but I couldn’t tell.

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