Thursday, July 7, 2011

Catching Up in Xiaoshan- June 7th - 8th

Day 10 – June 7th
Sat around the office for a good chunk of the afternoon doing absolutely nothing. No one signed up for the SPAs. And later on I found out that the business class is actually scheduled for Thursday. Damnit.
Discussed the whole public transit thing with J.C. I guess I’m not the only one. Maybe it’s just we’re terrible with it so used to being able to drive/walk to wherever we would want to go. I mean I could walk here I suppose but not from the city to Xiaoshan. That’s madness. Or a hell of a workout. Augh I wouldn’t get into A Yi’s until like 5 am if that. I don’t even know if pedestrians can walk it. Anyway, J.C. wrote down a place where I can usually find a cab with other people going to Xiaoshan. I’ll be able to find the area fairly easily with people shouting Xiaoshan. I hope at least. Man I wish I knew what it was with me and public transit. Augh.
Nothing really new. Found a silly website about terrible cakes (not just wedding usually birthday). Ended up buying a notebook so I could draw/write anything I fancy. Bought a bunch of mangoes, an apple, and an orange when I made it back to the Yucai district. The cashier asked me where I was from in Chinese then English. Even my cab driver asked me the same I think. Well he kept asking English then pointed to me then he pointed to himself and said Chinese. I’m not really sure. I tried to say American. I guess it wasn’t in his vocab. I certainly couldn’t remember it in Chinese.
Day 11 – June 8th
Ended up getting a pleasantly lengthy call with Omma. God it was so great to hear her voice.
Anyway, work was uneventful. Bought a lot of fruit at Lotte Mart. Shared an orange with A Yi. Got a call from Jim saying I was good to move in whenever, in the morning if possible. I think that assumes I’ll wake up with A Yi. Hmm, we’ll see about that. I wanted to get her some tea before I had to move out. My roommate won’t be here for at least another week. The bedroom is bigger than the one I had at A Yi’s, but the whole apartment is smaller. Lacks a living room like hers. So clearly A Yi’s son at least is making some serious bank. I hope it stays that way, she’s a sweetheart and I’m sure her mom is as well.
The kitchen and in between area (hallway?)/dining area for the apartment.
Yay bed! Yay couch! Hooray for laundry!

 Actually wait, boo on that, because A Yi did it for me. Silly me, I wanted to do my laundry myself anyway with all of the free time I seem to have.
The icky kitchen that is for the most part unusable. D:

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