Thursday, July 7, 2011

Catching Up in Xiaoshan- June 14th - 18th

Day 17 – June 14th
Um, nothing new. Rainy days ahead. Did a little grocery shopping… Failed at that actually. I forgot I don’t have gas for the stove… Efff… So here’s to hoping I don’t get sick from thawed out and supposed to be fried (I think) but were microwaved  dumplings. 

The only class I was supposed to have no one signed up for so I’ve spent my day playing Pokemon and Harvest Moon
Day 18 – June 15th
Spa classes cancelled once again. Or no one signed up therefore free day.
Day 19 – June 16th
Apparently the college wants us to reformat our class. The topic Summer Fun is simply not serious enough. Fuuu-
The internet has been slowly failing me when it comes to  communicating with anyone. Matt has a rough time responding with work and figuring out such a shit connection. Same goes for me. Though it’s more the inconvenience of work preventing me from being able to relax fully.
Lately my body has been refusing to sleep even remotely normally. Augh.
Day 20 – June 17th
Met my roommate Sarah, who went to Ohio University. She seems pretty cool. She just got here and immediately had to teach classes. I think she was with little kids, which can be hell. But she had Joy so that makes things better.
Wanted to go to the street food lanes but turns out they didn’t open shop today. Sadness. Ended up stopping at a little shop that had dumplings on some sort of plant. They were really good though small and not extremely filling. For 2 platters of it to feed 2 people only cost us 6 kuai. Holy shet. Damn that’s cheap. We paid less than 50 cents for two people to eat. I feel like that’s insane.
Day 21 – June 18th
Well after teaching a few new classes (J.C.’s), I took Sarah out to the city. We hit up the Foreign Language Bookstore and gnabbed a map. Before we got to the maps though we found an English class right in front of the escalators. Two … Foreign native English speakers were teaching. It was kind of interesting to see. We both gawked for a bit and tried to discern their particular accents. We came to no conclusion and settled for UK or another European country.
After the bookstore we made our way to a bakery called 85. They have legit garlic bread and their French toast bread corner block thing was really good. After we had left the bookstore it had also started pouring. Augh, this rain hasn’t let up in a while and when it does it does so for a few hours of the day. Usually when I’m inside already. 
Pictured: Not so legit bread D:

Before we got to our destination however, we ended up walking/riding a walkway through a fashion show. There were even little kids posing in these odd like squares that you’d see at a museum where they showcase different aspects of insert some sort of memorable event here. It was really crazy but awesome. I regret not taking photos of people taking photos.
At Hangzhou Tower, Sarah marveled at all of the imports and Chinese oddities. I grabbed my boxes of cereal and shampoo/conditioner and we set off once again. Oh, I had also found Kikkoman soy sauce! :D Too bad butter seems kind of expensive…
We wandered around trying to figure out how to get back and discovered we were pretty hungry. After negotiating my silly notes on various stops (thank god  I wrote down the pinyin and the characters) we made it back to Jiefang street and wandered the block to discover that most of the area was closing/closed up for the night. I think it was 10. We walked around a block then went to a place that turned out to be a hot pot restaurant. We didn’t order a whole lot considering we couldn’t understand more than half of the menu. Settled for some suspicious looking white meat and beef as well as potatoes and seaweed. Then we grabbed a cab and headed out to Xiaoshan for the night.

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