Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Catching Up in Xiaoshan- June 1st and 2nd

Day 4 – June 1st
Taught a review class today with Limi (what an interesting name :D) and Hannah. They struggled but they refused to actually ask me for help. It was equally frustrating on both sides. I really have to make sure I don’t speak too quickly with any of the students I do believe. Even the teachers seem to have issues keeping track of what I’m saying.
Being locked out of the house however hasn’t changed in the slightest unfortunately. Although Larry did offer me a ride back to A Yi’s. Since there was plenty of time for me to grab dinner and the bus I figured it wouldn’t be all that worth it for him. Though if he can give me rides on the days I have to work til 9 then I’d be much more appreciative. I just wish he knew English, especially if he works at an English tutoring institution. Grawr. (Correction: he does know some)
Unfortunately, once I arrived to A Yi’s I quickly learned that she was out and about still. Meaning I was still locked out of the house for a while longer. I elected to sit on the curb and read in front of the apartment. People gave me the above average stare as I sat there reading. Some people kept going in and out of houses and probably became very suspicious of me as I sat there. I didn’t want to call Jim to call A Yi though because I figured she has every right to do as she pleases. Though it does really inconvenience anything I want to do… Or eat for that matter.
Once she came back though, I noticed she was not alone. She brought two friends with her as far as I could tell. They both seemed to be aware of the lack of mandarin on my part. I almost believe A Yi may have been laughing at me when I said ni hao. It’s really hard to tell. She’s been so sweet that I really doubt she was making fun of me. I think I’ll play some DS for a chunk of the night. 
Day 5 – June 2nd
Ate at the Reboo Short Order chain. Getting food went surprisingly well and quickly on top of it. They really are just like fast food. Their eggs and what I assumed to be bacon were heavily salted. I hope they don’t believe Americans actually eat like that… :/ I managed to get something that looked like dumplings that may not have been dumplings… I’m a little scared of what I thought it was but who is to honestly say is right? I’m going to get with the odd feeling in my mouth and gut about the dish and just not blindly grab it next time. I definitely ordered way too much though. Or grabbed too much. I need to stop trying meat. It’s really not that worth it in the end it seems.
Work went smoothly; got to meet Liz or Chen Xia who was a little different from what I expected. Her bobcut hairstyle was really… different to say the least. But her command of English and listening skills seemed to be fairly high considering what I have to slow down on with other students. She read the instructions fairly well and talked more than any of the others. Though this may have been my own fault as I can take charge of a situation without knowing. Inbred leadership? I hope so :D
My 2nd class with Julia, a review, ended up being cancelled but I did not find out until much later. Like 20 mins. after the class was supposed to have started. Zack had finished up with his class and was wondering what I was doing still sitting around. Larry had offered me a ride back to A Yi’s. That reminds me, I got a key for the apartment. I’m so happy I don’t have to be locked out after I leave the apartment to find food. It makes things much easier for me. I hope it didn’t inconvenience A Yi too much to do so. She’s honestly like another mother to me. She’s so sweet. I kind of wish she would wake me up for breakfast or something. I really liked the noodle dish she made the first morning.
Oh for dinner today I ended up eating duck and a vegetable mix thing. There was bean sprouts, carrots, and I think something akin to spinach. It was really good. I got it from another fast food place called SWJ that is a part of the building we work in. Kind of convenient though the workers seem to think it’s really gross. I’m not really sure I understand why. It’s  not terrible though I can’t say that it’s great at the same time but I work with what I got and I don’t have a huge history in Chinese cuisine to work against.
Anyway after I got home thanks to Larry, A Yi gave me a dish of fruit called Pei Pa? Something along those lines. You peel it like an orange but it’s sweeter and might be more similar to mangoes. I really can’t describe it but I definitely took a picture. They’re so tiny. The mangoes here are also very small. Maybe I just haven’t been looking in the right places but they’re still delicious. More bite sized I suppose. Though their seed kind of makes me feel silly when eating it because it is the shape of the mango. I’ll have to take a picture tomorrow.

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