Saturday, June 23, 2012

Philadelphia Museum of Art - Part 1

To the Art Museum we go!

But not before I snap a photo of this nifty statue...

Are those peacock eyes?

The children will help us grow 

I see we are entering the janitorial closet... or wait. is that contemporary/modern art? Oh dear god.

Surprisingly I didn't bother taking a lot of photos in here because I was more often confused than anything else. I also had forgotten to charge my camera and wanted to spend most of the battery on other things.

Miniature silver toy sets!

They're adorably tiny!

These flower holders were creepy... Ugh the fear of small holes is bugging me out.

Gaudy yet cute

Maybe a little too heavy on the flower theme.

If you haven't caught the hint, I really like pottery/ceramics.

Like a lot.

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