Saturday, June 23, 2012

Philadelphia Museum of Art - Part 2

The museum had these entire room installations that were simply gorgeous.

It boggled my mind a bit that they were able to obtain whole rooms from another part of the planet and reassemble them here.

It's as if you get to time and place travel from the comfort of Philadelphia!

Parts from a ship. That's right. A SHIP. Arrrgh there be pirates!

The Black Pearl 

Speaking of pirates my brother made a damn cool piratey ring!

Wow this photo almost looks as if Boyfriend is popping out of a coffin. My bad on the bad rotate. 

As we wandered around and past the church pieces we found ourselves getting closer to more destructive art.

Beware the keyblades.

J/K just keys with pretty boxes to go with them.

But f'real we did start moving towards the weaponry.

Only to be tricked with more interesting furniture...

Water is the essence of wetness...


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