Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beijing Day 4 - Temple of Heaven


Even with all of the people the temple was fairly relaxing and calm.

Maybe I don't know enough about Buddhism but the pushy crowd just to see the inside didn't not seem worth the effort.

This area around the Temple of Heaven was massive. 

I punch dragons in the face

In the gardens/grounds around the Temple of Heaven were expansive, beautiful, and tranquil. At the same time it was full of energy near the entrances at any rate with the elderly dancing in huge groups either with partners or in a form of choreography that we attempted to mimic. Unfortunately because I was concerned about my camera's battery life I was unable to capture these honestly precious moments. 

The Nine Dragon Juniper that kind of looked like a bunch of dragons making their curvy ways up the tree towards the sky.

Various artifacts within the Echo Wall area.

After exploring almost all of the Temple of Heaven we went on a crazy spending spree at the nearby Pearl Market. I found myself some beautiful white/classic pearls as well as earrings for Jesica and myself. A good number of my gifts came from this market. It was amazing but also fairly expensive, which I later discovered.

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