Thursday, November 17, 2011

Guangxi to Sichuan Province - One hell of an adventure

Immediately following Beijing, I hopped onto a 14 hr train ride to Guangxi Province with 4 other people.

We lounged around the outside market streets

Which clearly had amazing views

It's just hard to believe such mountain formations can naturally exist. It was so gorgeous.

Cormorants! Such odd birds and such an eccentric man. He started to shake the pole they were tied to and yelled out YEEAEAAAAAA kind of like Lil' Jon.

I wanted a picture of some ducks because I hadn't seen any in the wild at this point of my adventure. Either they were alive and up for market or cooked on my plate. 

At first we thought there was some weird rock in the water that was really dark and random. Turns out it's water-buffalo.

He was a cutie!

 Our "bamboo" boats.

Our captain had these water squirters that were so much fun. 

We ended up attacking our other boat and eventually broke both the water wands. ><'

We also picked up a little friend as we skidded across the waters. 

 As much as I think bugs of any variety are terrifying and somewhat gross I have to say that s/he was a very patient model.

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